For more information on Martin Karadzhov, visit https://www.artworkbymartin.com
For more information on the Coral Springs Festival of the Arts, visit www.csfoa.org.
Coral Springs Craft Guild
The Coral Springs Craft Guild is holding their annual Raffle and Auction at our monthly meeting on November 15th from 7:30 – 8:30 pm at Cypress Hall in Cypress Hammocks Park, 1300 Coral Springs Drive, Coral Springs (location subject to change–check our website, http://www.coralspringscraftguild.com to confirm)
Three ways to win–live auction; silent auction or raffle–pick only the items you want to win or bid on the more valuable items. Raffle tickets are six for $5 or thirty for $20 for an opportunity to win lots of quality gifts, jewelry, arts and craft supplies and more! No children under 18 please. Make it a girls night out! It’s always fun and you will be supporting Coral Springs’ first and oldest craft group which has given over $65,000 in scholarship money to local high school seniors!
Funding for this organization is provided in part by the Broward County Board of County Commissioners as recommended by the Broward Cultural Council