CSFOA Signature Artist

CSFOA Signature Artist

Signature Artist Announced! 'A Relaxing Afternoon' by Manyan

Signature Artist Announced! Congratulations Manyan!


ManyanAnnouncing Manyan as the 2025 Signature Artist. Her winning entry is an oil on canvas painting entitled “A Relaxing Afternoon” which depicts a picturesque pair of lounge chairs under a colorful umbrella and palm trees on the beach.

Joe Morera, CSFOA President said, “With this year being the last Festival, we picked a peaceful scene that evokes a calm and quiet beauty to mark the end of an era. A Relaxing Afternoon moves us to reflect on everything we have accomplished throughout the many years of this Festival and it seemed a very fitting final signature art piece.”

Born in China, Manyan spent her early years immersed in a culture that would shape her appreciation for structure and design. Her fascination with architecture and engineering began at a young age, inspiring her to pursue a degree in engineering from Southeast University in Nanjing. In 2000 she moved to Canada, and four years later relocated to Florida, instantly falling in love with the Sunshine State. Manyan really began honing her creative talents at the Razza Art School in Coral Springs. Through painting and photography, she developed a distinctive style that merges her engineering background with her passion for visual storytelling. Painting serves as an emotional outlet for Manyan, allowing her to portray the beauty, serenity, and depth often overlooked in everyday life. Photography complements her artistic endeavors, becoming a way to capture fleeting moments and document her experiences.

Manyan’s painting will be featured in the Festival’s advertisements and posters. She also earned a $500 stipend and a complimentary booth at the Festival where she will display and sell her artwork. Entries were submitted from artists across Broward and Palm Beach counties and chosen by a blind committee. Pieces are judged on how they represent the Coral Springs Festival of the Arts and artistic lifestyles with original voice, unique style, mastery of medium, technique and professionalism.

The 19th Annual Festival of the Arts at The Walk of Coral Springs will be held on March 15th and 16th, 2025. The Festival will feature a professional juried arts and crafts show with over 200 fine artisans and crafters and in addition, will host Gardenfest. Throughout the weekend, patrons will enjoy a wide variety of live music, dance exhibitions, theater and literary performances and a children’s area.

For more information on Manyan, visit Instagram: manyan101

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